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5 facts about teeth care from our Dental Hygienist

Posted By Tooth Heaven  
20:08 PM

Our resident Dental Hygienist shares 5 main tips that all patients should know


What happens if your brush your teeth too hard?

It is possible to obtain the impression that vigorously brushing your teeth makes them "particularly clean." This is a misconception that us, too, have fallen for. There are two aspects to having healthy teeth: the enamel and the gums. Scrubbing your teeth vigorously with your toothbrush could give the impression that your enamel is clean, but it could really cause damage to the gums or gingiva, which are the other aspect of healthy teeth. Be careful as to not apply too much pressure when you brush your teeth because doing so can create wear and tear on your teeth as well as harm your gums. Brushing our teeth too forcefully is the cause of receding gums for many of us. This also exposes the root of the tooth that is being damaged, which is a softer tissue that is more prone to damage than the crown of the tooth, which is stronger. Continued overbrushing can cause increased wear to the softer area of the tooth, which can lead to sensitivity as well as unsightliness if not stopped.


Good Oral hygiene helps you achieve Better Health

Recent research has indicated that gum disease may raise a person's chance of having a heart attack or a stroke. Your teeth are one of a kind because they begin their journey in the bone of your jaw and conclude it in your mouth; the gums serve as the connector between the bone and the oral cavity. This implies that bacteria in your mouth can utilize sick gums as a gateway to enter the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, these bacteria can adhere to and colonize weak spots or fatty deposits in your blood vessels, raising your chance of stroke or heart disease. As a result, it is essential to take care of both your teeth and gums and have your dentist check on them and clean them regularly. Your oral health isn't the only thing that depends on your teeth's health. The bacteria that populate your mouth serve as the body's primary line of defense against various substances, including those you take in. Daily flossing and brushing are unquestionably effective methods for mitigating the destructive effects of bacteria, but slacking off on these practices can result in a variety of unwanted complications.


Floss should be used every day

Plaque is notorious for hiding in areas that toothbrush bristles are unable to access. Because plaque can hide in the spaces in between teeth and along the gum line, it is imperative that you floss at least once each day to eliminate it. Flossing helps prevent cavities from developing in between teeth, which means you won't have to deal with an unpleasant surprise when you come in for your next teeth cleaning and oral checkup with us. We are aware that it may be challenging to floss between crooked and/or crowded teeth because of the proximity of the teeth. We are fortunate to have dentists who offer Invisalign as an alternative to traditional metal braces for the straightening of teeth. Invisalign aligners are designed to fit over your teeth and exert just the right amount of pressure to shift your teeth into their ideal positions in a safe and comfortable manner. The majority of people either do not floss frequently enough or do not floss correctly. We understand that it can be quite time-consuming and that it isn't exactly a fun activity to participate in. However, we do not take pleasure in lecturing you on the importance of properly flossing your teeth. When you come in for your appointment, we'd really appreciate it if your gums weren't swollen and they weren't bleeding.


What The Tongue Indicates

A lot of information can be gleaned from the tongue about the health of the rest of the body. For instance, if the very tip of the tongue is red, it can indicate that you have an issue with your thyroid or your heart. On the other hand, if the tongue has a yellowish-green tinge, it might indicate that you have a problem with your liver or your gallbladder. Although the teeth and gums are the most prominent features of the mouth, it consists of a great deal more than just those two things. To assist in the fortification of dental enamel, we suggest utilizing a fluoride-containing mouth rinse. After brushing and flossing, using a mouth rinse is an effective approach to remove any plaque or food particles that may have been missed during those dental hygiene routines.


Baby Teeth

Patients often ask why they should invest their time and money taking care of their children's baby teeth if they are only going to fall out in a few years anyway. There are several ways in which primary (baby) teeth contribute to forming permanent (adult) teeth. They function as spacers to make room for the adult teeth to come in correctly, aid in the development of good speech, and affect chewing. In addition, the routines that are established during childhood carry a tremendous amount of weight into adulthood. If the right techniques for brushing, flossing, and caring for teeth are instilled in children at a young age, it will be much simpler for them to maintain this routine throughout their entire lives. Around the age of six, you will get your first permanent tooth, which will never fall out and will remain in your mouth for the rest of your life. It is encouraged to start teaching youngsters about the need to maintain good oral hygiene throughout their entire lives.


To find out more or to speak to our resident Dental Hygenist, call us at Tooth Heaven on 03-9376 0543


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