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How Oral Health Affects Your Overall Health!

Posted By Tooth Heaven  
21:02 PM

How Oral Health Affects Your Overall Health

Did you know that your oral health can severely affect your overall health? There is a solid bond between the two. Poor oral hygiene can lead to many problems, from cavities to gum disease to heart disease.

So it's important to take care of your oral health and keep your teeth and gums healthy! 

Here are some ways that your oral affects your overall health and well-being.

Why Is Oral Health Important?

Good oral hygiene is essential to any healthy lifestyle – don’t just take my word for it; dentists everywhere will agree.

Taking care of your teeth and gums helps reduce inflammation, preventing further damage down the line. You may not even realize it, but poor oral health affects other aspects of your life too, such as:

Can Lead To Mental Deficiencies

Oral health is sometimes overlooked when it comes to overall health, but it is very important! Not only can poor oral health lead to pain and discomfort, but it can also have long-term effects on cognitive functioning.

Mental deficiencies due to oral conditions can range from mild memory loss or decreased attention span to more serious issues such as dementia. Poor oral health has even been linked with an increased risk of stroke.

Taking measures such as brushing and flossing regularly, visiting the dentist for regular check-ups, and receiving early treatment for oral conditions are all important steps to maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Affects Your Overall Mental Health

Keeping your mouth healthy goes beyond just avoiding cavities or gum disease - it can also have a long-lasting and severe impact on your mental health.

Studies have shown that people living with poor oral health conditions often feel a greater sense of depression or social stigma, which can even lead to a decreased quality of life.

Can Lead to Heart Diseases

We all desire good oral hygiene, but did you know it can help protect your heart? That's right - several studies have shown and proven the connection between periodontitis, gum disease, cardiovascular issues, and oral health.

Healthy gums not only ward off cavities and bad breath but could also lower your risk for potentially life-threatening ailments.

Can Lead to Type 2 Diabetes 

Taking care of your oral health can have a major impact on your smile and overall health too!

One great example of this is diabetes. People with diabetes are at an increased risk for gum disease because the build-up of glucose in their saliva makes it difficult to clear away bacteria and food particles.

According to recent research, people with diabetes who don’t manage their periodontal hygiene are 2.5 times more likely than those without diabetes to experience gum and tooth loss.

Can Affect Your Sleep

Most people know that oral health is important for maintaining a healthy smile. However, few realize that oral health can also significantly impact overall health.

One way that oral health affects your overall health is in the form of sleep deprivation.

Poor oral health can cause severe pain and discomfort, which can, in turn, make it difficult to get a good night's sleep.

Sleep deprivation can have many negative consequences, including fatigue, irritability, and impaired cognitive function. In severe cases, this can also lead to depression.

Can Cause Pregnancy Issues

When you think about how oral health affects your overall health, you might not think about pregnancy outcomes. But there is a connection.

Studies have proven that females with periodontal issues have babies born early or with low birth weights.

So if you're pregnant, or planning to become pregnant, be sure to take good care of your teeth and gums!

Bottom Line

So, what’s the bottom line? Oral health is important for your overall health. If you want a healthy and refreshing life, take care of your oral health. Brush and floss daily, see your dentist for checkups twice a year, and watch what you eat (especially sugar). And if you don’t have time to do all that stuff yourself, the Tooth Heaven team can help!


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