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Please be patient with us

Posted By Tooth Heaven  
02:00 AM

Thank you for your patience....

As the Health and Dental Industry slowly returns back to some form of "normality". a lot of experts have been talking about the "Biggest Problem of All" - The BACKLOG that will ensue

Due to constant disruptions for the past 2 years of COVID, this has caused significant backlogs to all Dental Clinics and as a result, appointment times and days may not be as ideal as we all have liked. 

It really is a tough time for us at this time.

What many people don't understand is that all our Clinicians only have 1 set of hands and only a set number of hours they can work every day without burning out, while maintaining the highest level of quality of work.

All our Clinicians have been working tirelessly every day, with some working up to 10 hour days and working extra days in an attempt to help clear the Backlog that we have accumulated for the past 2 years. 

This, and in the midst of changes to staffing arrangements due to COVID related issues, has truly affected us greatly and of course, YOU, our very important patients. 

It is also sad that despite these tough times, we have had some abusive behaviour hurled towards our staff.

We also had some very untrue and damaging reviews on our website that truly devastated us. When you hear stories of age-old establishments falling due to the unfound, inconsiderate comments on their websites, it really breaks our hearts.

The link can be found here: Iconic Melbourne eatery closes

Comments like these really struck a chord in our hearts:

 "The couple aren’t the first hospitality business to highlight the abuse often suffered by staff from customers, with bad behaviour increasing over the past two years of the pandemic"


"“I spent nights crying, wondering why the heck we were doing this. The ugly side of people was just way too much"


"“No one deserves to be treated like it - the people writing these things have no conscience or heart” 

Tooth Heaven has also fallen victim to these attacks. Whilst we always listen to and appreciate all forms of feedback, these are so not necessary during these times and any dissatisfaction in general should first be brought to us in the first place (via email or phone call) so that we can work together to understand and to see what we can do differently. 

We only ask that everyone be understanding as we do our best to work through this difficult time together. Times are already hard. Don't make it any harder. 

Thankfully we are almost seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We really can't wait. 

Thank you for your continuous support of Tooth Heaven. 

Dr Jolvin Lee on behalf of the Tooth Heaven team